Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Tiffany & Co Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Tiffany & Co Analysis - Research Paper Example This article is about Tiffany & Co analysis as a high-end jewelry company. We discuss briefly the history of the company history, its products, pioneers, location and distribution globally, and customer relation. The article also exploits the company’s’ new ventures in the jewelry industry. We also analyze the company position by performing a SWOT analysis to determine the various parameters influencing the company. The company has profound strength in its strong local existence, Positive brand image, well known for its silvery jewelry and strong direct selling strategy. Tiffany has some weakness as a result of declining cash flows and limited product range. Contrary to the weakness, the company prides in a number of opportunities such as Singapore as a luxury retail hub for Asian market and new business venture- Corporation with other companies to expand its market dominance. For the company to maintain its positive growth, it has to address the following threats; Prol iferation of imitation for its items and Economic slowdown This study also expands its analysis by looking at the quantitative variables that influence company performance. Here we scrutinize quantifiable variables of the company like company worth and predictable sales. The method involves analyzing profit and loss accounts, arithmetical state of the financial system, sales and earning histories. The variables discussed in this section are; Financial Ratio Analysis, Industry Specific Metrics and EV/Revenue Valuation. Under the financial analysis, we study the company’s Liquidity, Asset, and Debt Management and Profitability status. For specific company metrics; Sales per Retail Square Foot, Sales per Employee and Capital Intensity are as well discussed. The analysis winds with a EV/Revenue Valuation. The article finalizes by making suggestions which if incorporated can boost the company revenue, increase customer relation and deliver quality products to customers. The change in the company’s old model of management and market strategy will improve its goods and service delivery. We also take a conclusive analysis relating both quantitative and qualitative analysis to give advice to investor, buyers and company management on critical issues that needs to be addressed. We close the study by not recommending major fix within the company, but an advice to investor of the current company position and worthiness of making an investment. The fluctuations in major determining factors do not necessarily mean that the company is on the fall, but rather is responding to a change in prevailing conditions. Tiffany has shown excellent response to change in key determining factors like recession. Introduction Tiffany & Co. is the most popular lavish jewelry corporation in the United States of America.

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