Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Connections Between Hitler And The Prince - 1307 Words

Connections between Hitler and The Prince Hitler said, â€Å"Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all† (â€Å"Adolf Hitler Quote†). Adolph Hitler became the leader of the German Nazi party in 1933. His leadership was both loved and despised. He controlled the Nazi party for more than a decade (â€Å"Adolph Hitler†). Considering the length of Hitler’s reign, he must have had leadership qualities that people found admirable or they feared him so greatly that no one would attempt to overthrow him. In Machiavelli’s The Prince, a list is given explaining specific attributes and thoughts a good ruler should possess. Some of these thoughts include, it is better to be feared than loved, cruelty can be justified if for the common good of the state, don’t stay neutral take a position and wage war, it is okay not to keep one’s word if it is beneficial, and if one wants to be a good prince, one must dedicate oneself to the art of war. Machiavelli’s depiction of a prince and the characteristics a prince portrays can be seen in modern day rulers such as Hitler. When looking at specific quotes from The Prince and facts about how Hitler ruled, one will see obvious connections between the ideal prince that Machiavelli describes and Hitler. â€Å"A Prince must therefore have no other thought or objective, nor dedicate himself to any other art, but that of war with its rules and discipline, because this is the only art suitable for a man who commands. It is such a powerful art that itShow MoreRelatedHarry Potter And The Half Blood Prince1302 Words   |  6 PagesStephanie Tsai Professor Allen Harry Potter CHL 137 8 April 2015 Voldemort, the fantasy Hitler: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince In Harry Potter, Voldemort and his Death Eaters are often a parallel to Hitler and the S.S. Soldiers because of their similar dictatorship over those who were more inferior to them. 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