Saturday, January 11, 2020

Should Cell Phones be allowed in School? Essay

Do you take your cell phone with you to work, and use it all day long for organization and needed communication? Well, school to us students is like our work, but our organization and communication tool is prohibited. Cell phones have so many positive uses in the classrooms, yet at the same time we aren’t putting our current technology to good use. For example, cell phones in our school are banned, and I feel that this should be changed immediately. The many benefits of cell phones in school are the following: they increase student participation, student/teacher safety, student organization, and student records and grades. Technology is surrounding the world today, it is used in every aspect including hospitals, office buildings, and fire departments, even in schools. I feel there is no need to ban the use of cell phones in schools, they can help in many different ways. By keeping our community updated with all the new technologies out there will help make a more useful point to all of these new gadgets. Let’s face it, modern technology is fun, and students love to have fun. Moreover, if we bring that exciting technology into the classroom than we can create a more relaxed and enjoyable environment for the students and the teachers. For instance, instead of taking notes in class the students can record a lecture so that they could replay it back while doing homework. In addition, if in science the students do a lab experiment then they can take a video of that lab and replay it for homework and further understanding. Furthermore, classes can download a school program onto their phones and the teachers can use it in the classroom. According to a Speak Up survey, 62 percent of parents report that if their child’s school allowed cell phones to be used in school they would probably purchase a cell phone for their child. Read more:  Argumentative Essay on Cell Phones in School As a result, the school would not have to worry about supplying the students with phones, and most students already have cell phones. This is only one great way that cell phones are beneficial. When students carry around cell phones they also increase student and teacher safety. For example, if someone falls down the stairs and gets badly injured students can call the ambulance quicker than telling a teacher and then having to call. Also, if there is a school intrusion somebody can call the authorities with their cell phones. Consequently, if students do not have cell phones in these types of emergencies then help will not be provided soon enough. In other words,  students need to have cell phones in school in case these emergencies happen. On the other hand, cell phones are also organization tools. For instance, the other day I came home from school and started my regular routine. I let my two dogs out, then grabbed a snack and sat down with my book bag. Then I preceded to take out my assignment book, but what I found, however, is that I appeared to have left my assignment book in my locker. Again. When this happens I have only my memory to tell me what my homework was, and that is not very reliable after a long day at school. I do have my phone with me, however. If we were allowed to have cell phones in school I could have plugged my homework into the calendar for today, and as a result have been able to do it. That way I wouldn’t have to worry about carrying around that small book with scribbled assignments in it. Students always check their phones when they are at home, so every time they pick up their cell phone they would be reminded of their homework tonight. And if a student had a test the next day the teachers could remind the students to set an alarm telling them to study that night. If students are better reminded about their homework, grades will go up because students will be doing their homework. The school will also save money because they will not have to buy assignment books. It is realistic that there will always be bulling through text message, online, or face to face, although if someone is bulling another student through text message that student could save these messages as proof to show authority of what was really said. There will always be problems with cheating on tests, although to solve this problem since the teacher already knows that every student has a cell phone, the students would have to take their cell phones out, turn them off and place them on the corner of their desks during test time. The use of cell phones in school may take away the students urge to use them, which would than create a better learning place for these students.

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