Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on The Dilemma Of An Accountant - 1267 Words

The ethical dilemma in this case is one that Daniel Potter is faced with. Daniel is a staff accountant at a Big Eight accounting firm, Baker Greenleaf. He was given the duty of performing an audit on a wholly-owned real estate subsidiary (Sub) of a long-standing and important client of his firm. Oliver Freeman is Daniel’s project manager. Oliver is the one that gave Daniel the task of performing the audit, and he is expecting a clean opinion from Daniel on the analysis of the Sub in order to secure the clients account exclusively. While performing the audit, Daniel found a discrepancy with the value of the Sub’s largest real estate properties. The Sub had valued the property at $2 million on their balance sheet, and†¦show more content†¦The first key stakeholder is the accounting firm, Baker Greenleaf. Baker Greenleaf’s stake in this case has to do with the client involved in the case. The client is a long-standing and important account that Baker has shared with another Big Eight accounting firm. The decision that Daniel makes can have one of several affects on the status of the account between the client and Baker Greenleaf. Baker feels that if the client receives a satisfactory performance on a special audit, then they may secure the account exclusively instead of having to share it with another accounting firm. If Daniel does not say anything about the incident, then Baker Greenleaf will have a great chance of obtaining the account exclusively because of the clean opinion. If Daniel does go to someone about the incident and the file is pulled and changed to his original recommendation that included th e subject-to-opinion proviso, then Baker Greenleaf may not obtain the account exclusively or may even lose the account altogether. The next key stakeholder that I have determined is Daniel Potter. Daniel could possibly have a lot at stake in this case. If Daniel decides to not say anything about the incident, then it could possibly turn out bad for him in a couple of ways. First, it would mean that the negative evaluation that Oliver turned in on him would stand. Second, if by some chance the value of the property was discovered by a buyerShow MoreRelatedEthics Code Of Professional Ethics980 Words   |  4 PagesAbstract. The article reviewed was Possible Ethical Issues and Their Impact on The Firm: Perceptions Held by Public Accountants. The abstract demonstrates the importance of AICPA’ â€Å"Code of Professional Ethics† and its components, and the influence of management perceptions on firms’ ethical environment (p. 919). Introduction. The authors study business ethics, compliance with ethics code, ethical issues, and ethical behavior of company management. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Connections Between Hitler And The Prince - 1307 Words

Connections between Hitler and The Prince Hitler said, â€Å"Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all† (â€Å"Adolf Hitler Quote†). Adolph Hitler became the leader of the German Nazi party in 1933. His leadership was both loved and despised. He controlled the Nazi party for more than a decade (â€Å"Adolph Hitler†). Considering the length of Hitler’s reign, he must have had leadership qualities that people found admirable or they feared him so greatly that no one would attempt to overthrow him. In Machiavelli’s The Prince, a list is given explaining specific attributes and thoughts a good ruler should possess. Some of these thoughts include, it is better to be feared than loved, cruelty can be justified if for the common good of the state, don’t stay neutral take a position and wage war, it is okay not to keep one’s word if it is beneficial, and if one wants to be a good prince, one must dedicate oneself to the art of war. Machiavelli’s depiction of a prince and the characteristics a prince portrays can be seen in modern day rulers such as Hitler. When looking at specific quotes from The Prince and facts about how Hitler ruled, one will see obvious connections between the ideal prince that Machiavelli describes and Hitler. â€Å"A Prince must therefore have no other thought or objective, nor dedicate himself to any other art, but that of war with its rules and discipline, because this is the only art suitable for a man who commands. It is such a powerful art that itShow MoreRelatedHarry Potter And The Half Blood Prince1302 Words   |  6 PagesStephanie Tsai Professor Allen Harry Potter CHL 137 8 April 2015 Voldemort, the fantasy Hitler: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince In Harry Potter, Voldemort and his Death Eaters are often a parallel to Hitler and the S.S. Soldiers because of their similar dictatorship over those who were more inferior to them. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

What is Amulet Essay Example For Students

What is Amulet Essay An amulet is a small object that a person wears, carries, or offers to a deity because he or she believes that it will magically give a particular power or form of protection. The conviction that a symbol, form, or concept provides protection, promotes well-being, or brings good luck is common to all societies: in our own, we commonly wear religious symbols, carry a favorite penny, or a rabbits foot. In ancient Egypt, amulets might be carried, used in necklaces, bracelets, or rings, andà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ especiallyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ placed among a mummys bandages to ensure the deceased a safe, healthy, and productive afterlife. We will write a custom essay on What is Amulet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Egyptian amulets functioned in a number of ways. Symbols and deities generally conferred the powers they represent. Small models that represent known objects, such as headrests or arms and legs, served to make sure those items were available to the individual or that a specific need could be addressed. Magic contained in an amulet could be understood not only from its shape. Material, color, scarcity, the grouping of several forms, and words said or ingredients rubbed over the amulet could all be the source for magic granting the possessors wish. Small amulets of faience, stone, ceramic, metal, or glass, were common possessions in ancient Egypt. They were most often fashioned in the form of gods and goddesses or of animals sacred to those deities. Amulets gave their owners magical protection from a wide variety of ills and evil forces, including sickness, infertility, and death in childbirth. They were often provided with loops so they could be strung and worn like a necklace. Some amulets were made to place on the body of the deceased in order to protect the soul in the hereafter. Vervet Monkey Vervet monkeys Cercopithecus aethiops are depicted as exotic household pets as early as the Old Kingdom, walking on a lead beside the noble tomb-owners prize hounds. In the New Kingdom one is often shown tied beneath the tomb owners chair, but is it still a representation of a pet or a symbolic depiction to guarantee the tomb owners sexual prowess in the afterlife? By the New Kingdom, amulets of vervets were undoubtedly worn so that their wearer might assimilate the creatures well-known sexual behavior. It is also because of this symbolism that vervets feature as decorative elements of cosmetic objects. The creature is frequently depicted squatting with its front paws up to its chin, sometimes holding a small piece of food to its mouth or else playing a musical instrument. Amulet of the Goddess Taweret Taweret, the hippopotamus goddess, was the goddess of women and children and, most importantly, of the moment of childbirth. With her rounded belly and pendulous breasts indicating a pregnant female, Taweret was associated most specifically with childbirth, and she was often depicted watching over the birthing bed. Taweret amulets would have been worn during life by women and children. In the tomb, they were placed on the body of the deceased as a symbol of rebirth. The Taweret and other closely related goddesses were created from a blending of lion, hippo, crocodile, and human attributes. The three animals were some of the fiercest species found in ancient Egypt and combining their strengths produced a most potent deity and therefore amulet. Tawerets particular responsibility was the protection of women during pregnancy and childbirth. She is often portrayed leaning on a sa symbol. Her representation was sometimes used on tomb walls or funerary equipment to protect the deceased during rebirth. This great, protective goddess of childbirth was a rather frightening figure who was often depicted in the company of Bes, the protector dwarf god Bes A deity of either African or Semitic origin; came to Egypt by Dynasty XII. Depicted as a bearded, savage-looking yet comical dwarf, shown full-face in images. Revered as a deity of household pleasures such as music, good food, and relaxation. Also a protector and entertainer of children. However, many texts point to the idea that Bes was a terrible, avenging deity, who was as swift to punish the wicked, as he was to amuse and delight the righteous .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 , .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 .postImageUrl , .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 , .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4:hover , .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4:visited , .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4:active { border:0!important; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4:active , .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4 .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3db6b7b6bbd3266bb9a7912f8b9cc2a4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: B.J. Rice EssayWith a hippopotamus head, a crocodile tail, lion arms and legs, human breasts, and a swollen belly, she scared away any negative spirits who might harm the baby. Amulets with her image were often worn by expectant mothers. Third Intermediate Period à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 21st Dynasty Art and Culture With the weakening of centralized royal authority in the Third Intermediate Period, the temple network emerged as a dominant sphere for political aspirations, social identification, and artistic production. The importance of the temple sphere obtained, with more or less visibility, for the ensuing first millennium. Egypt again divided; one dynasty rules in Nile Delta, sharing power with high priests of Amun at Thebes. Relatively little building took place during the Third Intermediate Period, but the creation of stylistically and technologically innovative bronze and precious temple statuary of gods, kings, and great temple officials flourished. Temple precincts, with the sanctity and safety they offered, were favored burial sites for royal and non royal persons alike. Gold and silver royal burial equipment from Tanis shows the highest quality of craftsmanship. Non royal coffins and papyri bear elaborate scenes and texts that ensured the rebirth of the deceased. New emphasis was placed on the king as the child/son of a divine pair. This theme and other royal themes are expressed on a series of delicate relief-decorated vessels and other small objects chiefly in faience, but also of precious metal. The same theme is manifested architecturally in the emergence and development through the first millennium of the mammisi, or birth house, a subordinate temple where the birth of a juvenile god identified with the sun god and the king was celebrated. In Egypt, the Third Intermediate Period was a time of turmoil and economic decline. Control split between pharaohs reigning in the Delta and the priesthood of the temple of Amun at Karnak. In Egyptian art, there was a strong sense of order, form, and symbolism; certain items held certain meanings. The paintings especially were highly stylized and they told a story. The style of art in Egypt didnt change for three thousand years in part because the artists quite simply obeyed the rules set out for those Amulets are items worn to protect their wearer by their religious associations, a religious equivalent to amour. In ancient Egypt, any item of jewelry is likely to have some amuletic function in addition to its aesthetic, economic, and social values. The religious significance may have varied from user to user, and for each individual according to the moment in his or her lives. It is difficult to assess the relative importance of the amuletic or religious aspect against these other aspects of the item worn. In Egyptology, the word amulet is therefore generally reserved for bodily adornments of unambiguous religious form or context. In comparison, both amulets had magical powers and both had great powers over birth the vervet was for the either living or dead. Taweret Hippopotamus goddess of women and children and most importantly of the moment of childbirth and placed on the deceased as a symbol of rebirth. The vervet monkey served as a sexual prowl ness in the afterlife of the deceased.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Learning a Second Language free essay sample

Acquiring a second language is a goal many adults set for themselves. Students have the ability to take foreign language courses early on in their education, but not many adults who attended school years ago had that option. The level of ease or difficulty in learning a second language is dependent on the stage of brain development and the style of learning. There are different options for learning a second language, and it can be most effective at a young age. Children who are introduced to the second language within their first year of life are much more likely to become fluent speakers of the language. By the age of ten to twelve months, the brain is already beginning to lose its ability to discriminate sounds between its native and nonnative languages (Sousa, 2006). The reality of this fact is that you would need to start teaching the child the second language as they are learning the first. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning a Second Language or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Learning a language early has a direct effect on the presence of an accent and the ability for the speaker to be proficient. As a child ages, the brain recognizes sounds and can distinguish those that are foreign making it more difficult to introduce the words and meanings into their thinking. Studies have shown that people who started speaking between ages of 8 and 10 have about 80 percent of the proficiency of native speakers; those who started between the ages of 11 and 15 spoke with only half the proficiency, and those who started after age 17 had only 15 percent (Sousa, 2006). This is why it can be much more difficult for an adult to become skilled at a second language. By the time a person is an adult, they have already learned the importance of grammar and the rules of their native language which can interfere with the syntax of the second language. This is an example of negative transfer, where the previously learned information negatively impacts the brain from learning new skills. Adults must focus more and have a deeper concentration on the learning than their child counterparts. The important period in which the young brain responds to certain types of input to create or consolidate neural networks is called a Window of Opportunity (Sousa, 2006). It is a crucial time when the child’s brain needs specific input in order to maintain long lasting structure. During this time, a child learns individual skills such as language. The window of opportunity for language is primarily from birth to age ten or twelve. For example, if a child doesn’t hear words by the age of 12, the person will most likely never learn a language (Sousa, 2006). Skills learned during the window of opportunity are usually developed perfectly and often affect other aspects of learning. How quickly and successfully the brain learns to read is greatly influenced by the spoken language competence the child has developed (Sousa, 2006). Many studies have shown that babies and infants who hear their parents converse regularly are more likely to speak earlier in life and develop stronger learning and language skills. They are also more likely to become more sociable and confident as they get older when there is regular conversation that takes place at home. Language is the key element that separates humans from other animals and allows us to thrive in the world. The human language is unique and keeps all of us connected. There is increasing evidence of right hemisphere involvement in early language learning but less in later learning. Both males and females use the left hemisphere for language learning, but females have a greater density of neurons in language areas than males (perhaps this is why women are considered better communicators! ) (Sousa, 2006) The left hemisphere concentrates on linguistic functions and most non-emotional aspects including writing, spelling, speaking, and verbal memory. Spoken language is so important to human development and its estimated that the human voice can pronounce all the vowel and consonant sounds that allow it to speak any of the estimated 6,500 languages that exist today (Sousa, 2006). These facts prove that learning a second or third language is not impossible as we are equipped to do it. As I discussed earlier, it is easiest for young children to take on a second language at the same time they are exposed to their native language, however, with much practice adults have the ability to become bilingual as well. Researchers have found that older starts have a faster rate of learning at the beginning stages of the learning process, particularly for the morphosyntactic acquisition (Munnoz, 2011). The morphosyntactic acquisition is knowing when to apply certain verbs in a sentence. This means that for adult learners, they are more likely to catch on to correct grammar faster than younger learners. This isn’t too surprising, since older learners are more advanced with their cognitive development. It is more likely for an adult to understand the second language while they are using it, but will not retain it like the younger learners who have spent more time practicing the language. Acquiring another language holds many benefits especially to young children who are easily influenced. Not only does it enrich cognitive development and improve listening skills, but it also makes the student a well rounded individual. In order for a student to master a second language, they must first understand the context in which the language occurs that allows them to gain knowledge and acceptance of other cultures besides their own. Learning a second language at an early age has a positive effect on intellectual growth and leaves students with more flexibility in thinking, greater sensitivity to language, and improved listening skills (Redbord Sachetti, 2003). There are many options for introducing a second language to young learners at the elementary school level. One option that I find most interesting and unique to many schools is the Immersion Classroom. There are different types of immersion programs including full immersion, partial immersion, and double immersion. In a full immersion classroom, there is no English (or the native language) used at all in the early grades. In a partial immersion classroom, the programs are characterized by a school day being divided equally between English and the immersion language, and in dual immersion the student population is speakers of both languages where instruction is taught in both languages. In these types of immersion classrooms, the teaching method is using a second language as the target language used for instruction. Bilingual education involves teaching academic content in two languages with varying amounts of each language allowing the content to be delivered at the same time. When teaching a second language, a sequence should be followed that aims to develop communication competence. One of the primary goals of learning another language is to gain competence in communication. This involves acquiring four major competencies, requiring integration of the verbal and nonverbal aspects of language as well as right and left hemisphere processing (Sousa, 2006). The competencies are grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. Grammatical competence is described as the degree to which a student has mastered word formatting, vocabulary, punctuation, and structure. Sociolinguistic competence is when a student is able to speak using appropriate contexts both formal and information. Discourse competence combines form and thought so that the dialogue is coherent, and strategic competence shows the proper use of body language and other movements that help show meaning. The model of immersion classrooms evolved from the Direct Method of teaching additional languages. This method revolves around conversations between teachers and students opposed to focusing on grammar and translation. It is the sense that if a person is not formally taught their native language, then they should be able to learn a second language without formal teaching as well (Stein, 1999). The benefits of immersion education truly speak for themselves. Learning a second language opens up students to new cultures and teaches them to think globally. In an immersion classroom a child is not learning a second language, but rather learning two languages equally which will strengthen their understanding of their native language. Students are opened to new ways of thinking and in the long run it will help them obtain jobs and acceptance into schools for the future. Not all people agree that immersion classrooms are the way to go and there are some obstacles. Parents become concerned that a student cannot master two languages at one time, or that their child will forget their roots. There is also a possibility that these schools may not have as many extra curricular activities or may lack focus on the core curriculum. Of course, the positives of educating students to learn a second language are quite clear. Only 9% of Americans can speak a foreign language fluently, while 44% of Europeans speak more than one language. It is also important to know that English is no longer the dominant language in the business, medical, and technological worlds (Stein, 1999). Researches also debate learning a second language and the way in which people learn. Some researchers believe that learning a language is special, and an individual must have a specific talent for language learning. While others view language learning ability as similar to the learning of other skills and propose that the abilities that facilitate language learning are the same as those in any other learning task (Sparks, Humbach, Patton, 2011). This means that anyone who is a quick learner in other areas will be able to learn a second language more easily. It is also believed that students who have a strong aptitude for reading in their native language are more likely to succeed in learning a second language while those who struggle with their native language will have the same problems when learning the second. Language is one of the most innate functions of the brain, but depending on when it is first introduced and how often it is stimulated determines how perceptive an individual will become. The brain has the ability to learn many languages, and if students are able to take advantage of this facility early in life they can be fluent speakers with greater advantages. As the world becomes smaller and smaller it is essential for us to teach our students how to think globally and appreciate other cultures. Second language learners are much more likely to grow up with the desire to help other countries and share their worldly view with others. As an individual who can only speak my native language, I hope others recognize the benefits of becoming second language speakers and pass it on to the next generation.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Greek and Roman theatre Essay Example

Greek and Roman theatre Essay Example Greek and Roman theatre Essay Greek and Roman theatre Essay Essay Topic: History Greek Dark ages from 11th 9th century BC. Mycenaean civilisation built during these times. That collapsed and Greek civilisation started. Then more dark ages. Homers Iliad and Odyssey were born out of this time. Roman Decline of Greek government coincided with the rise of the roman republic and subsequent empire. Had emperors and senators but the government didnt pay a huge part in the theatre. Emperors used the amphitheatres more and put on gladiator shows, etc rather than plays. : Why do I personally think this type of theatre emerged according to historical epoch? Greek Worshipped the god Dionysus (Zeus son). They honoured him by holding a festival every winter to bring dead world back to life. Also one in spring to celebrate renewal of life. Very ritualistic with orgiastic dancing by women. This festival started in Attica, north Greece. It was introduced to Athens in 6th century BC by Pesistratus. Theatre was born. Four separate festivals of Dionysus but it was at the city of Dionysia where poet playwrights competed for top prizes. Roman Romans borrowed extensively from Greek theatre and then modified it. They too worshipped gods in festivals Dionysus was not one of their gods but perhaps they used the idea to worship their own gods. Also many Romans had nothing to do and so theatre was needed for entertainment. Treatment of character, plot and language. Greek Chorus and their leader, lines chanted rather than spoken. Used masks and high-soled boots to add height to the actors. Limited movements. Comedies put on at winter festival of god Dionysus and grew more popular during the decline of the Greek government. Tragedies put on at main spring festival. Theatre also used as a place for political debate. Roman Comedies and tragedies, pantomime, myths. Comedies actors wore masks for this. They were usually short, one-act plays put on at the end of longer performances. They were vulgar farces about Italian country life, packed with rude jokes and slapstick. They used a few familiar characters, i.e. Pappus old fool. Manducus greedy clown. Instantly recognised by the mask worn. Pantomime mix of opera and ballet. Plot usually serious taken from Greek myths. Parts of different characters played by one actor with different masks, he was called a Pantomimus, while the chorus sang the lyrics. Actors were usually Greek slaves or freedmen. Costume and staging. Greek Tragic costume tight-sleeved, belted tunic (chitin) a variety of cloaks over tunic and boots. Helmet-like mask with attached wig in which forehead was elevated as a sign of social status. Greek theatres had a circular orchestra. It was built into a hill, not free standing. Also had rooms behind orchestra called the Skene had doors from which actors could go off and come on stage from. Murders usually took place behind closed doors. Tiered seating. A few set pieces of scenery i.e. rocks and tombs. Scenes sometimes painted onto the Skene. Roman Wore masks to show off different characters. Masks made of linen covered wit plaster and painted. Theatre itself semi-circular stage called the orchestra, tiered seating. Series of rooms behind orchestra storage of scenery and props. Actors dressing rooms as well. It was a freestanding building (see pic) Both made use of special effects and machines. Such as a wagon (eccylema) on which bloody tableaux were displayed and a crane on which actors playing gods could be flown in. E.g. in roman theatre, the Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus was put on in theatre. A slave would be suspended above the orchestra by crane, dropped and killed to show Icarus wings falling apart and him falling into the sea. Conventions that emerged. Roman and Greek Since roman theatre was descended from Greek, conventions are very similar. Both have a chorus, which played music to go with the play. Greek Usually more than one actor all with slightly varied costumes Roman Especially in pantomime one actor that changed masks for different characters. Usually only a couple of actors in different masks in comedies and tragedies. What was theatres social and political function at the time? Greek Entertainment. To inform about history. Put on at festivals. Roman Put on at festivals for entertainment. It was a public occasion and was free. All expenses paid for by a wealthy citizen who provided everything i.e. actors, producer, scenery and costumes. Volunteered to do it not only to benefit fellow citizens but also to gain popularity, which would be useful in local political elections.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Top 6 Situations Where You Shouldnt Wear Your Halloween Costume

Top 6 Situations Where You Shouldnt Wear Your Halloween Costume Sure, it’s always fun to wear a Halloween costume to work. But†¦ it’s not always appropriate.   There’s a very thin line between a zany  costume that shows off your personality and one  that makes everyone else feel uncomfortable. This video from FastCompany  gives you  the top 6 situations where you probably should leave the  costume at home. 1. When firing someoneâ€Å"This is the hardest part of my job. Because of recent budget cut, we’re going to have to let you go†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  2. During  a work lunchâ€Å"I didn’t eat breakfast, I just had a protein shake†¦I have to figure out how to eat better†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 3. When laying down the lawâ€Å"Do you know how stupid we look right now? Come on, people, grow up!†4. While supporting a big meetingâ€Å"With a meeting as big as this one, we’ll make sure to send the minutes right after. Seth is going to do that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 5. When no one gets itâ€Å"I am Ch arlie Chaplin†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  6. While giving a client tourâ€Å"Here’s our technology group. They’re hard at work right now on their innovation†¦let me introduce you to our CTO.†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Civil Liberties and Unlawful Government Surveillance Personal Statement

The Civil Liberties and Unlawful Government Surveillance - Personal Statement Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that although new technologies have emerged, it has enabled the government to unlawfully spy on people thereby infringing on their individual liberties. Unlawful government surveillance should be fought because it interferes with the right to the constructive dissident opinion as well as increase anxiety in personal spaces. The principles of the First Amendment place values such as the freedom to expression, inquiry, and association at its core. It is essential to review the right to privacy in the context of advances in sciences and technology because these developments make private lives more visible. The right to privacy forms a fundamental part of the welfare of every individual. This is crucial at two levels. To begin with, it is notable that most of the developments that society enjoys today arose out of the capacity for an individual to have unmonitored behavior and thinking. For instance, most scientific innovations arose out of inten sive thinking, solitude, and privacy. At the second level, the entitlement to privacy highly benefits the individual since it eliminates anxiety and limits the government authority over the established individual liberties. The American nation is at the center of this debate because of terrorism linked surveillance. Government surveillance, however, never started at 9/11 terrorist attacks. As early as the 1960’s, the government adopted surveillance technologies that would greatly constrain the private space. The Fourth Amendment description of Bill of Rights forbids unreasonable searches unless a search is propped by a reasonable cause and is supported by a judicial action. The FISA Act of 1978, however, allows for the collection of information, without a court order, about the activities of individuals, which may be deemed harmful to the state. On the other hand, the UN recognized the detriment of such laws and counteracted by forming Article 17 of ICCPR, which prohibits unl awful searches of persons.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Term Paper

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court - Term Paper Example On this day, there was a sitting of a full SJC bench at John Adams Courthouse, courtroom one. The bench sat in full, to hear the appeals, composed of an uneven number of judges, seven. There were two criminal cases that were listed, SJC-11164 Commonwealth vs Leslie Bertini, and SJC-11163 Commonwealth vs Eugene Bertini. The defendants had been indicted for an armed robbery, armed assault with intent to rob, assault, and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault with a dangerous weapon and larceny of over $250. The trial court had granted the Commonwealth orders to compel the accused to produce a buccal swab, allowing the commonwealth to employ reasonable force to ensure compliance with the said order. Subsequently, the defendants sought review of this order from a single judge. Moreover, Eugene Bertini filed a petition arguing that the Commonwealth had not discharged the burden to show that the evidence being sought was relevant to the matter in question and that use of force to extrac t his DNA sample while he had not been convicted, violated his search and seizure rights under the fourth amendment and article 14 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights. Leslie Bertini also filed an application for leave to appeal to the mass. R.Crim.p.15 (a)(2). She also argued that the Commonwealth had failed to show that the evidence sought would go towards proving her guilt, and added that allowing the Commonwealth to obtain the evidence by force, violates her rights to due process and not to self-incriminate. incriminate. The petitions were denied by the single justice, prompting the appeal before the full bench. The appeal also raised matter of constitutional law. The appellants argued that the order was violating their constitutional rights to privacy and to be free from unlawful search and seizure. Consequently, the matter was listed for full briefing and oral arguments, touching on the merits of the trial court’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Review of communication skills Essay Example for Free

Review of communication skills Essay In the group interactions, I was a class room assistant who was meeting the parents of a young child with behavioural problems.  When Mr and Mrs Shaw arrived I called them in to the office using a soft tone and with a hand gesture I offered them a seat in front of my desk. They seemed pleased to be meeting me and were very concerned about their son Matthew. They were both talking in a calm slow voice with varying tone.   I started by asking how Matthews behaviour was at home. Mr Shaw was relaxed and sitting in an open posture. He said Matthewss behaviour was fine and there was nothing wrong with him. Mrs Shaw became tensed and looked away from her husband and said she had experienced problems at home when Matthew was around other children, as he would become angry and frustrated over simple things. Mr Shaw sat upright and told his wife there was nothing wrong with Matthews behaviour and that this was normal. I reassured them both that this could be understandable as he is an only child and may not be use to sharing with other children. Maintaining good eye contact I said I was experiencing the same problems in the class as Matthew is becoming very disruptive and a lot of parents are complain that their children are frightened of Matthew. Mrs Shaw became very upset and did not keep eye contact with me, and Mr Shaw was now in a closed posture. In a strong tone Mr Shaw demanded what was doing to help Matthew. I leaned forward and using a soft tone I told them the school could offer support for Matthew as long as the parents were willing to help, I then showed them some of Matthews class work and the areas he was doing good in. His mother seemed pleased and became less tensed. I offered a special needs program pointing out the benefits where Matthew could be taken out of the class room for a few hours a week. Mr Shaw became very tensed and leaned back in his chair as his face muscles became tight. He said his son did not need a special needs program and this was a waste of time, I went over the benefits o the program again, speaking clearly as I read the most important points. Mrs Shaw was unsure and wanted to agree only if her husband would support the program, but she agreed to look at the leaflet and consider it with her husband. I explained how one to one help for Matthew would benefit him in his school work and also the other children, I then said they could discuss the program at home and decide, and then they could arrange another interview if they were happy with the program. Mr Shaw stood up and I handed Mrs Shaw the leaflets. I thanked them for their time and shock their hands, I said using a polite tone they could come see me any time if they were unhappy about any thing. I showed them to the door and Mrs Shaw was very thankful for my advice and agreed to come back and discuss the program for Matthew. Mr Shaw thanked me but did not shake my hand and made no eye contact with me as he left and I said he was very welcome to come back any time.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Klu Klux Klan Essay examples -- Klu Klux Klan Racism Essays

The Ku Klux Klan originated over one hundred years ago and has gone through many changes since its beginning. Although many people know the Ku Klux Klan exists, they do not understand its purpose or how it has changed throughout its life. After the Civil War ended, the Southern states went through a time known as Reconstruction. Ex-Confederate soldiers had returned home now, and they were still upset about the outcome of the war. It is at this point in time that the Ku Klux Klan became a part of everyday life for many Southerners. In the beginning the Ku Klux Klan was started to be a way for people who had the same views to spend time together. The original members meant of the Ku Klux Klan to be a "hilarious social club" that would be full of aimless fun (Invisible Empire, p.9), though in later years the Ku Klux Klan became known for their violence against people outside the white race and people who associated with them. Contrary to what most people believe, the Ku Klux Klan was started because of a few people wanted to have some innocent fun, not because they were intending to start a chain of violence on anyone outside the white race.(The Klan, p.2) The Ku Klux Klan began in Pulaski, Tennessee, a small town south of Nashville. On the night of December 24, 1865 six ex-confederate soldiers were sitting around a fireplace it the law office of Judge Thomas M. Jones.(Invisible Empire, p.9) These six friends were having a discussion and were trying to come up with an idea to cheer themselves up. One of the men suggested that they should start a club and the rest of the men agreed with the idea. After discussing the mew idea, the men decided to meet again and retired for the night. The second meeting was again at Judge Thoma... ... BIBLIOGRAPHY Chalmers, David M. Hooded Americanism. New York: Franklin Watts, 1981. Horn, Stanley F. Invisible Empire. Connecticut: John E. Edwards, 1969. Imperial Klans of America. 13 April 2008. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 11 April 2008. Kajun Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 13 April 2008. "KKK, Though in Decline, Packs Punch." St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 26 August 1996, Section News Analysis. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 13 April 2008. North Georgia White Knights. 12 April 2008. Sims, Patsy. The Klan. New York: Stein and Day, 1985. Southern Cross Militant Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. http://personal.atl. 12 April 2008.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bangladesh – an overview

Bangladesh is a small country and is situated at the head of the Bay of Bengal. On its landward margins India almost surrounds it. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the country. Bangladesh is a low lying country, 3/4 of it under a.s.l. It can be divided into 2 main regions. The first is a vast alluvial plain, dominated by the delta of the Ganges. The second consists of the only areas of highland, which are in the east and southeast. The Chittagong Hills in the southeast rise to an average height of 650m and in Silhet there are similar ridges that only reach 60 – 90 m. The country has a Tropical monsoon climate and the main features of this include high temperatures, high humidity and heavy rainfall and a marked dry season. COUNTRY STATISTICS Area: 50,260 sq. miles (130,200 sq. km) Population: 120,400,000 Population Density: 836 people/sq. km Population Growth: 2.16% Capital: Dhaka Languages: Bengali, English Religions: Muslim, Hindu Total GDP: US$ 215,400,000,000 Imports: US$ 4,600,000,000 Birth Rate: 35.5/1000 people Death Rate: 11.7/1000 people Life Expectancy: 55.6 years Per Capita PPP: US$ 1,510 Exports: US$ 3,000,000,000 Aid: 26 billion dollars a year 80% below poverty line RURAL ACTIVITIES Bangladesh is 84% rural and the majority of the population lives in villages. There is no defined pattern of urban use and cultivated fields can be found inside towns. 80% of the population depends directly or indirectly upon farming and it accounts for 33%of the country's GNP. Most farms are small i.e. less than two hectares and are often fragmented. Not all farmers own their own land and many are share-croppers. For winter crops to be grown, irrigation is essential but of the total land cropped only 20% is irrigated. The main crops are: rice, pulses, winter wheat, vegetables, bananas, jute, tea and sugar cane, the last three of these being cash crops. Jute has been the leading cash crop for over 100 years. It is used for sacking, carpet backing and string. Since the 1970s jute production has suffered from competition by other countries like China and India. The majority of farmers in Bangladesh are subsistence farmers many of whom have been encouraged to grow cash crops such as jute and tea. However the cultivation of rice is the single most important activity in the economy, and nearly 80% of farmed land is occupied by rice. There are numerous fisheries in Bangladesh and fish products account for 13% of exports and 70% of animal protein in the diet. Land use in Bangladesh: 67% arable land, 2% permanent crops, 4% meadows and pastures, 16% forest and woodland, 11% other. ISSUES OF CHANGE In Bangladesh like in many other LEDCs, rural-urban migration is dominant. Many people especially from the younger generation flock to the cities such as Dhaka and Chittagong in search of work and a better quality of life than in the rural areas. They hope to find better healthcare and education, better paid jobs and improved housing. However when they arrive in the cities they usually find this not to be the case. There is often not enough housing for the new influx of people and so shanty towns, made of poor quality- makeshift housing, develop on the edges of the city. These shanty towns have no access to clean water or sanitation and as a result disease spreads easily in them. The increased population of the urban areas has a strain on the local services and this creates further problems relating to water supply and sewage. Rural-urban migration has caused the process of urbanization to increase and the capital city Dhaka has grown in size significantly. PROBLEMS FACING GOVERNMENT Bangladesh has many problems both natural and human that the government has to try and tackle but being one of the poorest countries in the world and having little capital to invest in solutions, it is not easy. Bangladesh is prone to cyclones which travel northwards up the Bay of Bengal. These cyclones can be devastating and can destroy villages and infrastructure but can also cause storm surges which can cause flooding. Flooding is the most severe problem that faces the country on an annual basis. About one third of Bangladesh is flooded each year during the monsoon. The country is so prone to flooding due to a number of reasons both physical and human. Most of the country consists of the huge floodplain and delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. 70% of the country is less than 1m above sea level and rivers, lakes and swamps cover 10% of the land area. Snowmelt from the glaciers in the Himalayas in the late spring and summer increases discharges. There are heavy monsoon rains especially over the Himalayas, the uplands in Assam and the Central Indian Plateau. Of these, the heavy monsoon rains are the main physical cause of the flooding. In some years including 1998 the rains were exceptionally heavy, (see graph) causing river levels to rise and severe floods to occur. Various other problems in Bangladesh such as deforestation and overpopulation are also responsible for the problem of flooding. The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers have their headwaters in Nepal and Tibet where in recent years the rapidly increasing populations have caused the removal of vast areas of forest, to provide fuel, timber and grazing land. In Bangladesh the forests are in crisis. There has been a rapid depletion of forest in the last 20 years for crop land, fuel and due to illegal logging. The forests play a major role in the hydrology of the upland drainage basins absorbing water from the ground, binding the soil particles and reducing the impact of rain droplets on the ground surface. Overall the forest cover slows the journey of the water to the river channels reducing the flood risk. The removal of the forest cover has reduced interception and increased landslides, soil erosion and overland flow. The silt and soil is deposited in the river channels causing the raising of the riverbeds and reducing the capacity of the rivers. It is estimated that soil is being lost 400 times faster in deforested areas and is raising the river bed of the Brahmaputra by 5cm per year. Urbanization is also a factor that effects flooding in Bangladesh. Recent development schemes involving the construction of networks of roads and embankments have probably added obstacles to the free drainage of water from the land. The problem that the government faces is that it can not afford to provide sufficient precautions and safety systems, like cyclone shelters, to safeguard against flooding, whilst it has to pay off a huge national debt. Many countries do not see Bangladesh as a viable state and so therefore are reluctant to invest money in it.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Biofuels Will Give Greater Energy Efficiency Environmental Sciences Essay

Biofuel refers to any solid, liquid or gas fuel that has been derived from biomass.1 Biofuels are renewable fuels derived from vegetable affair. It can be produced from any C beginning that is easy to stock up, such as workss. Alternative fuel beginnings such as biofuels are attractive because they can be developed and they are more sustainable, cost-effectively and renewable energy. Biofuels will give greater energy efficiency and alterations in life styles. Biofuels have become chief concern issue in Brazil, the US, the European Union every bit good as many other states around the universe, due to concerns of oil dependance and involvement in cut downing CO2 emanations. All these parts have had important subsidies or authorizations for renewable energy production from agricultural beginnings. The most common schemes used to bring forth biofuel used for transit are: Grow workss – Plants that of course produce oils include oil thenar, Jatropha, soya bean and algae. When heated opposition ( viscousness ) is reduced they can be burned within a diesel engine or they can be processed to organize biodiesel1. Grow sugar harvests or starch – These include sugar cane, sugar Beta vulgaris, maize and corn which are so turned into ethyl alcohol through the procedure of barm agitation 1. Forests – By-products from forests can be converted into biofuels including methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol and woodgas1. In Brazil, ethyl alcohol is produced chiefly from sugar cane get downing during the 1970s in order to cut down dependance on foreign oil2. However, the ethyl alcohol industry had a reverse in the 1990s due to inexpensive petroleum oil. When oil monetary values began to surge once more in the recent old ages, ethyl alcohol became a more attractive option to gasoline, aided by the launch of flex-fuel vehicles ( FFVs ) in 2003 3. Brazil has a comparative advantage in bring forthing ethyl alcohol, chiefly due to its handiness of land and its favorable clime for sugarcane cultivation. There are many different biofuels available in the UK. One of the most common worldwide is E10 fuel, which is really a mixture of 10 % ethyl alcohol and 90 % petroleum1.AdvantagesBiofuels cut down nursery gas emanations when compared to conventional conveyance fuels. Harmonizing to a technique called Life Cycle Analysis first coevals biofuels can salvage up to 60 % of C emanations compared to fossil fuels1. This was backed by a recent UK Government publication which stated biofuels can cut down emanations by 50-60 % . This is because the C dioxide they release when burnt is equal to the sum that the workss absorbed out of the ambiance. Therefore, they do n't lend to planetary heating and besides emit less particulate pollution than other fuels, particularly Diesel. However, it does necessitate some fuel to power the machinery on the farms where biofuels are produced. With gasoline monetary values on the rise, replacing crude oil with a renewable energy beginning should besides offer important nest eggs at the pump in the long term ; peculiarly when biofuels are more readily available and Biofuels are besides cheaper than fossil fuels. Many authoritiess are now offering revenue enhancement inducements to purchase greener autos that run on biofuels. This one of the brinies grounds production of biofuels is increasing. Another advantage is that biofuels are assisting to undertake poorness around the universe. For illustration Brazil invested to a great extent in ethanol production during the energy crisis of 1970s and now has one of the universe ‘s most advanced production and distribution systems3. This has increased economic growing, increased employment chances and besides positive consequence on energy monetary values, as grounds to endorse biofuel production. This is nevertheless debated due to the force per unit areas it places on agricultural resources but biodiesel could be a long term solution as it uses simpler engineering and lower transit costs aboard increased labor. Other advantages are: Does n't necessitate any extremist alterations to exchange to the usage of biofuels- unlike the troubles in exchanging to other renewable energy beginnings such as solar and wind power. Reduce dependance on foreign oils. Oil fluctuates in monetary value quickly, so altering to biofuels will assist buffer against the alteration. Ethanol is really cheap to bring forth. Can assist forestall engine knocking. The nascent U.S. biofuel industry has late begun a period of rapid growing. Over the past decennary biofuel production has been turning both in absolute footings and as a per centum of the gasolene and Diesel fuel pools. High universe oil monetary values, steadfast authorities support, turning environmental and energy security concerns, and the handiness of low-priced maize and soya bean feedstocks provide favorable market conditions for biofuels. Ethanol, in peculiar, has been buoyed by the demand to replace the octane and clean-burning belongingss of MTBE, which has been removed from gasolene because of concerns about groundwater taint.DisadvantagesBiodiversity – A fright among conservationists is that by accommodating more land to bring forth harvests for biofuels, more home grounds will be lost for animate beings and wild workss. It is feared for illustration, that some Asiatic states will give their rain forests to construct more oil plantations4. Many first coevals biofuels are non sustainable. It is necessary to make sustainable biofuel production that does non impact nutrient production, and that does n't do environmental jobs. Another concern is that if biofuels become moneymaking for husbandmans, they may turn harvests for biofuel production alternatively of nutrient production. Less nutrient production will increase monetary values and do a rise in rising prices. The impact is peculiarly high in developing states and it is estimated that around 100million people are at hazard due to the nutrient monetary value additions. By and large Life Cycle Analysis probes showed that the combustion of biofuels well reduces nursery gas emanations when compared to petroleum and diesel. However, in 2007 a survey was published by scientists from Britain, the USA, Germany and Austria which reported the combustion of rapeseed or maize can lend every bit much to azotic oxide emanations than chilling through fossil fuel savings1. In dumbly populated states such as the Netherlands, there is non adequate infinite to turn biofuels for the whole economic system, even if the full land surface would be used. This besides means that biofuels have to vie with alternate land utilizations such as nutrient production. The overall cost of doing biofuels is in fact a batch more so it would be to utilize natural beginnings such as air current turbines or things of that nature as a signifier of renewable energy. William claude dukenfields have to be tilled, and harvests have to be grown harvested and so fire in order to give off the needed energy. The production of non-sustainable biofuels has been criticised in studies by the UN, the IPCC and many other environmental and societal groups. As a consequence many authoritiess have switched their support towards sustainable biofuels, and options such as H and compressed air1. Other disadvantages Our technological procedures to bring forth biofuels are manner excessively dearly-won for us to be able to afford on a monolithic graduated table. We still need one million millions of dollars of research money into holding a fabrication procedure that will bring forth them at a cheaper rate. We still do n't hold anyplace near the sum of biofuel converted autos to be able to take advantage of this fuel beginning. We will necessitate to put millions of dollars to alter the car substructure to let us to take advantage of this amazing natural fuel. Once we are able to construct big fabrication workss we will necessitate to happen a manner to cover with the really bad odor that is the result of the biofuel production rhythm and big towns will non desire to set up with this bad olfactory property produced. On one manus they massively cut down C emanations and can assist you salvage hard currency excessively ; but on the other manus they could negatively impact the home ground of many species and are n't needfully energy efficient at the production phase.Political and environmental factorsInitially authoritiess in North America have supported the development and commercialization of engineering to bring forth ethyl alcohol from grains, particularly maize, over several old ages. A advisers ‘ study to the Ontario ministry of energy found that, while the usage of ethyl alcohol from corn as a conveyance fuel could cut down C02 emanations and support husbandmans, authorities ‘s subsidies and regulative support would be needed in the initial phases of programme. Harmonizing to this survey ethyl alcohol installations combined with cowss feedlots could accomplish fiscal break-even if big graduated table workss are successfully developed. Biofuels were found to hold an of import part to do in the context of the European Union ‘s agricultural policy and trade dialogues. The production and usage of woody biomass is found to offer the greatest benefits, production of liquid fuels from cultivable harvests is besides treated favorably. Government are now stating experiences in the U.S. and Brazil now suggest that bing biofuels production installations are responsible for the coevals of a scope of new air and water-related jobs every bit good as recent concerns over human wellness.Biodiesel advantagesBiodiesel is a fuel derived from vegetable oils or animate being fats that can be used either as a replacing for crude oil Diesel or blended with crude oil Diesel for usage in a standard Diesel engine. About 100,000 metric tons of used cookery oil and 230,000 metric tons of tallow are collected in the UK each twelvemonth and would otherwise be incinerated, put in landfill or exported. The usage of biodiesel can widen the life of Diesel engines because it is more lubricating than crude oil Diesel, while fuel ingestion, car ignition, power end product, and engine torsion are comparatively unaffected by biodiesel. Biodiesel is safe to manage and transport because it is every bit biodegradable as sugar, 10 times less toxic than table salt, and has a high flash point compared to petroleum Diesel With a much higher flash point than it is for petro-diesel, biodiesel is classified as a non-flammable liquid by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. This belongings makes a vehicle fuelled by pure biodiesel far safer in an accident than one powered by crude oil Diesel. Biodiesel are biodegradable, non-toxic and renewable. The usage of biodiesel will besides cut down the undermentioned emanations: Carbon monoxide, ozone forming hydrocarbons, harzardous Diesel particulates of solid burning merchandises, acerb rain- causation sulfur dioxide, and lifecycle C dioxide Biodiesel has about the same MPG ( mile per gallon ) evaluation as petrodiesel Biodiesel readily blends and corsets blended with petrodiesel. Biodiesel disadvantages Transportation & A ; storage of biodiesel require particular direction. Some belongingss of biodiesel make it unwanted for usage at high concentrations. For illustration, pure biodiesel does n't flux good at low temperatures, which can do jobs for clients with out-of-door storage armored combat vehicles in colder climes. A related disadvantage is that biodiesel, because of its nature, ca n't be transported in grapevines. It has to be transported by truck or rail, which increases the cost. Biodiesel is less suited for usage in low temperatures, than petrodiesel. At lower temperatures, the fuel becomes a gel that can non be pumped. The â€Å" pour point † is the temperature below which the fuel will non flux. As the cloud and pour points for biodiesel are higher than those for crude oil Diesel, the public presentation of biodiesel in cold conditions is markedly worse than that of crude oil Diesel. Another disadvantage of biodiesel is that it tends to cut down fuel economic system.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sea Shells by the Seashore - Practice the S Sound

Sea Shells by the Seashore - Practice the 'S' Sound Tongue twisters are fun words games we use to challenge our pronunciation. As an English learner, you can use tongue twisters to help with pronunciation of certain sounds. This tongue twister  is perfect for practicing your s sounds. Use lots of breath to help you get the hissing s sound strong. Remember that s is voiceless - pronounced without the voice by pushing air between your teeth and through open and rounded lips. Sea Shells by the Sea Shore She sells sea shells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,Im sure she sells seashore shells. Improve Your Pronunciation of S Sea Shells by the Seashore helps you practice s. The s sound is voiceless and sometimes confused with the z sound which is voiced, or the sh sound which is also voiceless.  Practice the difference in these sounds with minimal pairs - words that only have a difference between the s, z and sh sound.   sip - ship - zipsea - z - shesign - shinezap - sap Feel the Difference Between Voiceless and Voiced Sounds Place your hand on your throat and say sea and you will feel no vibration for the s sound. Place your hand on your throat and say zebra and youll feel no vibration at all for the z - a voiced sound.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Its Greeking to Me

Its Greeking to Me It’s Greeking to Me It’s Greeking to Me By Maeve Maddox In the play Julius Caesar, Brutus and Cassius question Casca about the occasion on which Caesar reluctantly refused a crown offered him by Mark Antony. Casca is portrayed as a gruff, plain-speaking sort of man. CASSIUS. †¨Did Cicero say any thing? CASCA. †¨Ay, he spoke Greek. CASSIUS. †¨To what effect? CASCA. †¨Nay, an I tell you that, Ill neer look you i the face †¨again: but those that understood him smiled at one another and shook their heads; but for mine own part, it was Greek to me. Like so many quotations from Shakespeare, â€Å"it’s Greek to me† has entered everyday speech. To say that something is â€Å"Greek to you† means that something written or spoken is incomprehensible, either because you lack the information to understand, or because the speaker or writer has failed to express the idea clearly. A spin-off of Shakespeare’s quotation is the graphic design term greeking. †¨ Greeking, from a typographic point of view, is the use of nonsense or dummy text, instead of the real body copy. This is done by designers to give the page an overall grey, or flat appearance, so as not to distract from the design layout. Design: Talkboard An example of greeking known to anyone who has ever browsed WordPress themes or looked through a computer manual is lorem ipsum. This block of nonsense Latin derives from an essay byappropriately enoughCicero. Designers have good reason to use greeking. Comprehensible copy used to illustrate graphic design is distracting. A client will start reading the copy and be annoyed if it stops mid-sentence. The use of a greeking text ensures that attention remains focused on the design. Messed-up Latin seems to be the most usual form of greeking, but other languages, including Greek, are used. If you would like to generate your own passage of greeking, there’s a site for it. Your choices include Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Russian, Esperanto and Morse Code. Here’s that last paragraph greekedboth figuratively and literally: ΔÎ µ χÎ ±Ã ÃŽ ¬ ÏÆ'Ï…Î ½ÃŽ ¬ÃŽ ´ÃŽ µÃŽ »Ãâ€ ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€š ÃŽ µÃâ‚¬ÃŽ ¹Ãâ€¡ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹Ã ÃŽ ·ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ±Ãâ€žÃŽ ¯ÃŽ µÃâ€š ÃŽ ´Ã ÃŽ ¿, ÃŽ µÃŽ »ÃŽ ­ÃŽ ³Ãâ€¡ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ πΠµÃ ÃŽ ¯Ãâ‚¬ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ¹Ã ÃŽ ²ÃŽ ¬ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ± ÏÆ'ÃŽ µ ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ±Ãâ€š. ΈτÏÆ'ÃŽ ¹ ÃŽ µÃŽ ¯Ãâ€¡ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ½ ÏÆ'φÎ ±ÃŽ »ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ¬Ãâ€žÃâ€°ÃŽ ½ ως ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ­ÃŽ ±, ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ¯ ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ · ÃŽ µÃŽ »ÃŽ ­ÃŽ ³Ãâ€¡ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ ÃŽ ³ÃŽ ½Ãâ€°Ã ÃŽ ¯ÃŽ ¶ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ÃÆ'ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ³Ãâ€°ÃŽ ³ÃŽ ®. ÃŽ ÃŽ ­ÃŽ ± ÃŽ ­Ã ÃŽ ³Ãâ€°ÃŽ ½ Ï„Î µÃŽ »ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ºÃŽ ¬ πΠµÃ ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ­ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦ÃŽ ½ ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ µ, ÃŽ ­ÃŽ ºÃŽ ´ÃŽ ¿ÃÆ'ÃŽ · ÃŽ »ÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ¹Ãâ‚¬ÃÅ'ÃŽ ½ ÏÆ'ÃŽ ¯ÃŽ ³ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦Ã ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€š ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ± ÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ¹, ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ÃÅ½ÃÆ'ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ ÃŽ µÃŽ ºÃâ€žÃŽ µÃŽ »ÃŽ ­ÃÆ'ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹Ãâ€š ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ·ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦Ã ÃŽ ³ÃŽ ®ÃÆ'ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹Ãâ€š ÏÆ'ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ½ ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ µ. ÃŽ £ÃŽ ¯ÃŽ ³ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦Ã ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€š ÃŽ »ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ³ÃÅ'Ï„Î µÃ ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€¦Ãâ€š Ï„Î ·Ãâ€š Ï„Î ¹, ÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ¹ φÏ ÃŽ ¬ÃÆ'ÃŽ · Ï„Î µÃŽ »ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ºÃÅ½ÃŽ ½ Ï€Ï ÃŽ ¿ÃÆ'πΠ¬ÃŽ ¸ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ± ÏÅ'ÃŽ »ÃŽ ·. Everything about lorem ipsum Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Inquire vs EnquireDo you "orient" yourself, or "orientate" yourself?Dissatisfied vs. Unsatisfied

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Measurement and Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Measurement and Decision Making - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that  value chain involves a detailed level of analysis on the means to satisfy the customers. It includes detailed knowledge of a firms strategy geared towards adding value to the product and service to the customer. In adding value to the product, the firm achieves higher levels of profitability. Harley-Davidson has established a Rider’s Edge program in which anyone who could pass the Motorcycle Safety Foundations (MSF) written test and driving test would be eligible for instruction on how to ride a Harley. The local dealers provide these instructions, which perfectly fit in the value chain.  This study stresses that  execution cost drivers include factor that a firm can manage in the short-term to reduce costs. There are various short-term cost drivers available to this firm. First, the company can endeavor to empower the current employees through trainings. The company needs to equip each of the employees on handling clients in a sati sfactory manner. For instance, responding to their online queries and orders in a timely manner. Additionally, offering quality services that will make the customers come back for more business. Secondly, the firm needs to redesign the production processes to speed up the flow of product to reduce costs. Thirdly, improve its suppliers relationships by providing them with low-cost products through agreements with them. In reducing costs, the firm will agree with the suppliers to move more products, increasing on sales.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sales Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Sales Management - Research Paper Example For the past fourteen year I have been a real estate and sears maintenance agreements sales person. I understand the needs of my consumers, thus providing appropriate products that match their desires. Due to the diversified behaviors of my consumers, I have initiated effective marketing strategies that take into account the language and culture of my clients. During my experience as a sales person, I learned that social, cultural as well as emotional forces are vital especially when consumers are buying a particular product. During my working experience in Memphis, I have realized that consumers are not only influenced by their culture and learning but also their perception and attitude. For example, the real estate that depicts modern designs is highly demanded by younger consumers while old clients are indifferent to the design of the property. In this regard, I take into account the implication of the consumer’s perception on their buying patterns. Additionally, the belief possessed by consumers has an effect on the sales of a particular product. For example, there is a strong belief that Memphis real estate is of good quality. In this way, I am focused on expanding my operations to cover a huge area of Memphis. As a real estate as well as sears maintenance agreements sales person for 14 years, I have a vital responsibility of setting up the marketing goals that include determination of the appropriate marketing mix. For instance, during establishment of operations in new markets, I put in place effective promotional strategies to ensure adequate measures to face off my competitors in the real estate industry. In the same way, as a real estate sales person, I have made myself responsible for estimating the sales and marketing potential of my organization. To comply with this principle and succeed in the Memphis real estate market, my marketing strategies involved setting up monthly and annual goals. In this way, I use all the necessary measures to me et my targets. In addition, I make sales forecast that encompasses estimating the products units that I sell on a monthly basis. In my efforts to set organizational goals that are related to distribution, as a marketer, I emulate market potential and estimation of sales. Major factors that I consider during the making of sales estimation and forecasting include economic conditions, stages of business maturity, regulatory environment and market expectations. In order to be successful in the real estate industry as well as in selling of sears maintenance agreements, I have been very keen in undertaking sales planning. This entails making weekly and monthly goals that guide me in my marketing strategies. One of my strategies that I emulate to match with the principle of sales planning includes leading my sales teams in a way that they met the objectives outlined by a sales plan. Some of the major aspects that I consider during the formulation of a sales plan include product types, sale s quotas and customer requirements (Spiro et al., 2008). Even though I am responsible for making the entire sales plan, I encourage other sales people to make their own plans based on my sales plan. In this way, it is possible for individuals to make their own plans that are compatible with my plans and that are not necessarily followed by other team mates. In my

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Tiffany & Co Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Tiffany & Co Analysis - Research Paper Example This article is about Tiffany & Co analysis as a high-end jewelry company. We discuss briefly the history of the company history, its products, pioneers, location and distribution globally, and customer relation. The article also exploits the company’s’ new ventures in the jewelry industry. We also analyze the company position by performing a SWOT analysis to determine the various parameters influencing the company. The company has profound strength in its strong local existence, Positive brand image, well known for its silvery jewelry and strong direct selling strategy. Tiffany has some weakness as a result of declining cash flows and limited product range. Contrary to the weakness, the company prides in a number of opportunities such as Singapore as a luxury retail hub for Asian market and new business venture- Corporation with other companies to expand its market dominance. For the company to maintain its positive growth, it has to address the following threats; Prol iferation of imitation for its items and Economic slowdown This study also expands its analysis by looking at the quantitative variables that influence company performance. Here we scrutinize quantifiable variables of the company like company worth and predictable sales. The method involves analyzing profit and loss accounts, arithmetical state of the financial system, sales and earning histories. The variables discussed in this section are; Financial Ratio Analysis, Industry Specific Metrics and EV/Revenue Valuation. Under the financial analysis, we study the company’s Liquidity, Asset, and Debt Management and Profitability status. For specific company metrics; Sales per Retail Square Foot, Sales per Employee and Capital Intensity are as well discussed. The analysis winds with a EV/Revenue Valuation. The article finalizes by making suggestions which if incorporated can boost the company revenue, increase customer relation and deliver quality products to customers. The change in the company’s old model of management and market strategy will improve its goods and service delivery. We also take a conclusive analysis relating both quantitative and qualitative analysis to give advice to investor, buyers and company management on critical issues that needs to be addressed. We close the study by not recommending major fix within the company, but an advice to investor of the current company position and worthiness of making an investment. The fluctuations in major determining factors do not necessarily mean that the company is on the fall, but rather is responding to a change in prevailing conditions. Tiffany has shown excellent response to change in key determining factors like recession. Introduction Tiffany & Co. is the most popular lavish jewelry corporation in the United States of America.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Drug Trafficking Laws And Penalties Criminology Essay

Drug Trafficking Laws And Penalties Criminology Essay Drug trafficking laws and penalties should be stricter worldwide because drug use and overdose is becoming more prevalent throughout the world and is destroying the lives of innocent people, especially teens. The effects of drug use and drug trafficking damage our global economy, affects the youth of the word, and spurs violence amongst people. The world must join together to stop drug traffickers from transporting illegal substances all over the world. Economic costs that are related to substance abuse and drug trafficking are extremely high. Drug trafficking cartels can become powerful enough to corrupt a country. The UN Drug Control Program has noted the difficulty of maintaining an honest and democratic government while fighting a drug war when they said: In systems where a member of the legislature or judiciary, earning only a modest income, can easily gain the equivalent of some 20 months salary from a trafficker by making one favorable decision, the dangers of corruption are obvious [United Nations International Drug Control Program]. When a drug trafficking organization gains enough money, they begin to bribe local officials and destroy countries. As the Un Drug Report said, People are easily bribed when they are able to make an equivalent of a 20 month salary in a few days [United Nations International Drug Control Program]. Once a drug cartel corrupts one official, it becomes a chain reaction of corruption. Eventually a dr ug cartel can grow enough to control a country as a whole. Pablo Escobar and his drug cartel are a great example of this corruption. During the 1980s, Escobar became known internationally as the Medellin Cartel gained notoriety. During Escobars era, he and his Medellin Cartel were said to have controlled about 80 percent of the drug shipments that entered illegally to the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. Most of his drug plantations were located throughout Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia because Colombian cocaine was considered to be of the highest quality. Escobars business and products spread across North and South America, and small parts of Asia as well. Escobar bribed and corrupted countless Colombian government officials, judges and other politicians with execution as his main punishment for not agreeing to his bribes. Escobars cruel ways resulted in hundreds of deaths for people that did not comply with his demands. His strategy was referred to as Plata o Plomo; Spanish for silver or lead, which was intended to mean accept a bribe or face assassination. Escobar seized control of all of Colombia and used his power to grow his drug empire [The Medellin Traveler]. Drug Trafficking affects the global economy through health care and welfare costs as well. Drug use can cause HIV and other illnesses amongst people. When drug addicts shoot heroin and other drugs into themselves they do not use sanitary needles and most addicts share needles with others. If one drug user was previously infected with HIV and uses a needle to do drugs. That needle has infected blood on it and when another user uses that same needle, he becomes infected as well. Most drug addicts end up in the hospital and the cost of their treatment is very expensive. Most drug addicts are very poor because they spend most if not all of their money on drugs and alcohol. A large amount of drug addicts are on welfare and are given food stamps and places to live. The costs of providing drug addicts with food and shelters are very expensive as well. Most of these drug addicts do not stop using because they are too addicted. Then there are the recovering drug addicts of the world that create large costs to the economy as well. As I mentioned, most drug addicts are very poor and if they do try to recover, they have to go to treatment centers. The government usually pays these treatment centers for the recovering drug addicts that they treat. Some drug addicts eventually are cured and are then able to word and contribute to the growth of our economy. But, there are millions of drug addicts that leave treatment centers only to come back to them in a few months for the same reasons. Drugs also create productivity losses including deaths, victimization, incarceration, and crime careers. This means that there could have been more people working and stimulating the economy that have been either killed or incarcerated because of their involvement with drugs. A study prepared by The Lewin Group for the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimated the total economic cost of alcohol and drug abuse to be $245.7 billion for 1992 in the United States. The Lewin Group also estimated that 40% or $97.7 billion of that was due to drug abuse. The costs of treatment and prevention as well as other healthcare costs, job productivity, lost earnings and welfare were also included in this number [National Institute on Drug Abuse]. These costs were paid for by the millions of tax payers of the United States that worked hard and did not get involved with drugs. Drug trafficking and abuse is very prevalent among the youth of world. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, young people who persistently abuse substances often experience an array of problems, including academic difficulties, health-related problems (including mental health), poor peer relationships, and involvement with the juvenile justice system [Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention]. Additionally, there are consequences for family members, the community, and the entire society. Usually adolescents that use or are involved with drugs often disengage from school and community activities. Drugs deprive students peers and communities of the positive contributions that they might have. These students stop playing sports and do not join extra-curricular activities. There are countless teenagers across the world that have so much talent that is wasted because of drug use. Some kids might have potential to be superstars in sports and c lubs but because of drugs they cannot do so. Substance-abusing youth are at a higher risk for mental and physical problems than nonusers. Youth who abuse drugs are prone to many problems including depression, conduct problems, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, and suicide. Most kids who begin using drugs become outcasts in schools and do not have many friends. Because of this, they use drugs even more to ease their pain. This causes thousands of suicides and overdoses throughout the world. Drug use is becoming more and more prevalent in very young children as well as well as youth in high school. The percentage of 8th graders reporting lifetime use of any illicit drug declined from 20.9% to 19% from 2006 to 2007. Although the percentage of use has declined, 19% of 8th graders are still a tremendous amount of 13 and 14 year olds using illicit drugs. While the amount of 8th graders doing drugs went down, the amount of 12th graders using drugs has increased. In 2007, 15.4% of 12th graders reported using a prescription drug without a prescription within the past year. Between 2005 and 2007, past year abuse of Ecstasy increased among 12th graders from 3.0% to 4.5%, which makes a 50% change in just two years. Also between 2004 and 2007 abuse of Ecstasy increased among 10th graders from 2.4% to 3.5% [U.S Drug Enforcement Administration]. Aside from personal adversities, the abuse of drugs by youth can jeopardize many other aspects of life for youth, especially family life. Sometimes drug abuse can result in family dysfunction where families do not communicate and sometimes stop living with each other. Substance abuse can also drain a familys financial and emotional resources. Arrests and interventions by the juvenile justice system are eventual consequences for many of the youth that are involved with drug use. This can place unnecessary stress on families causing them to shift apart from each other. Having to constantly worry about your childs safety and security is hard for anyone, especially parents whose children are involved with drugs. The International Narcotics Control Board has urged an international collaboration to stamp out internet trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances around the world, wrote Rohit Sharma in her article about drug trafficking [Sharma, Rohit]. Internet Drug trafficking is becoming much more popular throughout illegal drug organizations. It seems to be safer and more profitable than physically selling drugs. Internet Trafficking also allows these organizations to sell drugs all over the world from one single warehouse or destination. Two internet pharmacies in Bangkok and one in Chiang Mai, Thailand, mainly serving the US market, were closed down between November 1999 and January 2000 after raids by Thai authorities with the close collaboration of US Drug Enforcement Administration. These pharmacies were sending parcels of drugs to US citizens, including many drug addicts, who could not get their prescription from US doctors [Sharma, Rohit]. Since then, millions of pharmacies like these have opened and are constantly selling drugs to people all over the world. The UN should create a new taskforce designed solely for tracking down drug sales over the internet. They can stop these pharmacies by ordering drugs with fake names and addresses so that they can shut down these illegal pharmacies. Other than internet trafficking, many countries have increased their efforts to stop physical drug trafficking by strengthening borders, arresting drug cartels and destroying crops. The International Narcotics Control Strategy Report says, Efforts to restrain the activities of global drug trafficking and money laundering operations gained ground, even in the face of war, corruption, insurgency and economic disruption. Here are some examples of what some countries have done: President Obama and his administration have designed a new plan with the Government of Mexico to stop the transportation of drugs across our borders [Homeland Security]. In Colombia, the Colombian police destroyed more than 124,000 hectares of coca crops in 2003, a third record year for eradication, said Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Robert Charles [Porter, Charlene]. Germany hosted a seminar for Drug Trafficking on Jan. 29, 2010. There were 91 participants from 61 countries. The seminar examined how terrorists can use narcotics profits to fund terrorist activities and how they can make countries corrupt. All of the participants conversed with each other on a strategy to help stop international drug trafficking [Tudor, Jason]. Although some countries have done a lot to stop drug trafficking, West Africa is a country in need of major help. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates at least 50 tons of cocaine transits through West Africa annually. The availability of narcotics to the public in the region is increasing as well because traffickers pay transportation cost with drugs instead of money. The UN needs to help West Africa in the global war against drugs because it has been a crucial area for drug traffickers to transport drugs from. West Africa is a notably poor country and barely has enough money to support itself let alone stop drug trafficking. Over the past several years, an estimated $2 billion of cocaine was transported from Latin America to Europe via West Africa. More money and Drug task forces should be sent and activated in West Africa to stop this area from being the massive drug transport area that it is [Kruzel, John]. The United States has done a lot to stop drug trafficking throughout the US as well as the rest of the world. The HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas) Program is the main government run program that works to stop drug trafficking across America. They have about 30 headquarters around the country and use different strategies to stop drug trafficking depending on the region in which they are located. One of the greatest examples of their work has been in Philadelphia, PA and Camden NJ. Being that Philadelphia and Camden are very close to New York City, they have become one of the busiest illegal drug transit routes on the eastern seaboard. There are major interstate rail and highway systems along with a major airport that have become the key shipping terminals for illegal drugs in the region. The Philadelphia/ Camden HIDTA division has setup a total of 11 squads in Philadelphia to reduce the amount of drug trafficking to and from the city. The Regional Investigative Support Center was made successful by assigning full-time Philadelphia Police Department officers and supervisors manning the Watch Center, 8:00 AM-10:00PM, Monday through Friday. The HIDTA also works with Internal Revenue Service which provides the HIDTA with financial information on people being investigated and reports suspicious activity to the HIDTA as well. Lastly, field drug identification training is currently offered to the newly assigned Philadelphia police officers to teach how to distinguish people who are under the influence with people who are sober. Since the establishing of the program in 1995, the Philadelphia / Camden HIDTA have decreased the flow of drug trafficking by 30% until now [Office of National Drug Control Policy]. Drug trafficking cartels spread violence and lawlessness throughout our border region and reach into all of our communities, large and small, said Attorney General Eric H. Holder. Drug dealers create violence because they have their own wars with each for profits. During these wars, innocent people are put at risk because of the constant shootouts and gun fights that happen. Two ongoing gang wars over drug markets in Chicago accounted for more than 100 homicides during 1987-1994. This total represents 11% of all gang-related homicides in Chicago in that time span [Howell, James]. Los Angeles, California is one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Los Angeles is also known for the two major gangs that are constantly at war throughout the city. The Bloods and the Crips are one of the two most dangerous gangs in America. The profits from each of these gangs come from their drug trafficking and selling. With these profits they buy weapons which then create more violence and catastrophes across the state. Drug trafficking and gang violence go hand in hand with each other around the United States. Where there are gangs, there is drug trade and vice versa. I believe that if we eliminate drugs in this country, we eliminate gang violence once and for all. Drug Trafficking is causing gangs to spread all over the U.S and put more and more towns in danger of gang violence [Howell, James]. Drug trafficking efforts have to drastically increase throughout the world and the United States. Although a lot is being done, there has to be more done if we ever want to stop the horrors of drug trafficking. The affects of drugs destroy our economies and our youth. They do nothing but bring violence and mayhem to the world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Russian Avant Garde and the Bolshevik Revolution Essay -- Art Russ

The Russian Avant Garde and the Bolshevik Revolution The Russian Avant Garde began in Russia in about 1915 It was the year that Malevich revealed his Suprematist compositions that reduced painting to total abstraction. and rid the pictures of any reference whatsoever to the visual world. He is credited with being the first artist to do this; that is, forsake the visual world for a world of pure feeling and sensation. This was the first movement originated by Russians and the birth of several other Avant Garde movements. Probably the most popular piece at his 1915 exhibition was â€Å"BLACK SQUARE† (real name â€Å"suprematist composition†. It’s basically a black square on a slightly larger white square that forms a border around it. It was hung in the exhibition in the way an icon would be hung in a peasant’s home; ie top corner of the room. Malevich saw Suprematism as representing a yearning for space, an impulse to break free from the globe of the earth. It a spirit, a spirituality that went beyond anythin g before it. Among Malevich’s students and contemporaries were such names as El Lissitzsky, Alexsandr Rodchenko and Vladimir Tatlin who were, of course, to lead the Constructivist movement which started in the same year as Malevich’s exhibition. Tatlin had returned from studying art in Paris in 1913 where he had seen a series of relief constructions by Picasso. Tatlin became very interested in form and message rather than representation and so he himself made a series of constructions. They were in the same vein as Picasso, but they were framed within a space and jutted out of the picture plane into the space of the observer. They created a lot of interest and he coined the term Constructivism. Tatlin and Malevich, who had been ... had a base. A few caved in and became correct thinkers. A few escaped to other countries in Europe. Some stayed in Europe and some ended up in America. They have developed and grown. Along with Gabo and Rothko and Kandinsky and numerous others, they are still having a profound influence on art. There were many parallels between the Russian Avant Garde and the two revolutions in 1915. The big difference between them in 2001, is that the art survives and grows stronger; while the other is seen for what it is, a pathetic pseudo despotism run, for a lot of years by a sociopathic mortophile. BIBLIOGRAPHY Russian Constructivism. Christina Lodder. Yale University Press. 1983. Art Spoke. Robert Atkins. Abbeville Press. 1993. Art and Revolution. John Berger. Pantheon Books. 1969. The Struggle for Utopia. Victor Margolin. University of Chicago Press. 1997.